Anthony J. Marolda

Gloucester, Massachusetts is on Cape Ann. It is America's oldest fishing port and still has an active fleet. It's picturesque beauty and long history has attracted artists and writers for centuries. Winslow Homer and Edward Hopper, for example, painted some of their most famous works here. Rudyard Kipling spent significant time on Cape Ann while writing his classic novel, "Captains Courageous". T.S. Elliott summered for many years on Eastern Point.

The surf, beaches, granite outcroppings, rocky shores, seabirds, quaint lighthouses and historic sailing vessels combine to make everyday an artist's feast. Inspired by the area and the artists, I've been painting Cape Ann scenes for almost forty years, and writing maritime adventures for the last several years. I've also written numerous science-based articles for the Gloucester Daily Times newspaper. And more recently, popular science books. See "The Intelligent Cosmos" in the Writings section.

The upper painting is "Sunset Rocks at Lighthouse Beach". The Beach is in Annisquam Village, a part of Gloucester. The rocks are exposed at low tide. The beach faces to the west and during some sunsets the rocks take on a special glow. I tried to capture the essence of that look with an oil pastel painting.

Schooners from Gloucester fished the North Atlantic for generations. The Columbia, one of the last of the great schooners, was built in Essex in 1923 by Arthur Dana Story. It only sailed for a few years before being lost off Sable Island in a storm. But the vessel represented the pinnacle of schooner design. To the right is an oil painting I did of Columbia sailing at peak performance, rail under, along the Gloucester coast line. It was based on a photo I found in a local gallery. The photographer was Herman Spooner, and the event was the 1926 Fisherman's race.

In 2013, a replica of the Columbia was fashioned in steel in Panama City, Florida. Ever since, she has come to Gloucester every year to sail in the annual Schooner Race. Of course, she is absolutely unbeatable in her class.