Anthony J. Marolda

Edward Hopper spent several summers living and working in Gloucester. It was the early part of his career and he worked in both watercolor and oil. He did a range of subjects including seascapes, city scapes and interesting houses.

He met his future wife, Jo Nivison, in Gloucester during his stay in 1923. She too was an artist who lived closeby. The couple was married here in 1924 and they honeymooned in a house that still stands on Bass Avenue.

One of his watercolor paintings was of the Annisquam lighthouse. Using his painting as a guide, I found the spot where he did the work. It was by a sea wall next to some stairs to the beach. I then did a water color of the lighthouse from the same perspective (above left), as it looks today (less some trees that have grown in the view).

Above right is a painting in oil of the Annisquam Light as seen from a different point on the beach, further Southwest.

Each summer, we take one or two trips on a Gloucester whale watch boat. The captain heads Southwest about 17 miles off the coast to Stellwagen Bank. The whales, mostly Humpback, summer in that area because they find thier favorite foods there. When we were lucky, we saw a Humpback breach, or jump out of the water. They make a very big splash when they land!