Anthony J. Marolda

In 2015 we had an unbelievable winter. Several strong nor' eaters in a row. The result was three feet of snow covering everything in Annisquam Village. I took a number of photos of the Village Hall, still decked out with its Christmas wreaths, thinking of picking out one to do a painting.. For this composition, I used the photo I took of the entrance to the Hall, with its distinctive red doors standing out in all of that white.
Above are two sketches I did for the novel, "Raid on the H.M.S. Vindicator". The one on the left is Angus Swan, the master shipwright in the construction of H.M.S. Vindicator. For the model, I used a still of Orson Welles in his role from the movie "Moby Dick". The other drawing is Post Captain Barrington, Master of the H.M.S. Vindicator. The model was Marlon Brando in his role as Lieutenant and First Officer, Christian Fletcher, from the movie, "Mutiny on the Bounty".